Monday, January 25, 2010

So we are going to do the cooking tomorrow. Decided to make some poutine hurrah for poutine! As well as watch some "How I Met Your Mother". Signing off for now.


Mr. Moo Cow

Meow meow mew meeew meow. That was Moo Cow introducing him self to all you readers of the "after 2 am" blog. Apparently he feels the need to blog to but the lack of thumbs is cramping his style, thus forcing me to write for him. Currently he is unimpressed with the amount of wind blowing and is hoping for wet food. Well that's all for now.
peace out cats

Holy Blizzard Batman (sort of)...

Well more like Holy wind batman!and on that note I start today's post. So in times like these what do we do but cook. That's right went out in to the cold wasteland of Winnipeg gathered supplies and now we are about to embark on a cooking odyssey. We are going to try and pre-cook and freeze some meals for later on to cut back on the junk food and eating out. The line up of meals is as follows; Veggie Sheppard's pie, and Kalee is going to make a noodle dish. I will post the recipe for both later tonight, I might even take pictures for a play by play guide how to sort of thing. Well I'm off to the kitchen.

Bon appetite

Monday, January 18, 2010

Things to come

So as you can see by the state of the blog i have yet to sell out... I'm getting arount to it this is the start of my week end so i should have some time to figure it all out. In other news, heading out to shooters billiards tonight to see the Johnny Archer expo, should be a hoot. Apparently some Q's (as in Miss Q's) regulars may be going. Since it is now 3 am ish i'm heading to bed.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thats Right

I'm so cool I'm a follower of my own blog, sweet times yo. Also tomorrow when I have some more time I'm going to try and figure out the getting paid to advertise thing, that's right you read it here first folks the "after 2 am" blog is selling out.. ha ha ha


Friday, January 15, 2010

From the Top

So in the interest of getting this show on the road here is the official first post of the after 2 am blog. Woot bust out the party favours!

Peace more to come later

Johnny Archer is Coming to Winnipeg

So as you can see from the title of this post... well Johnny Archer is coming to Winnipeg. For info such as when and where click on this link in brief its this Monday (Jan. 18) at Shooters Billiards. I at present am still sitting of the fence as to whether to see if i can get in to the skills shop being offered or just go down later and watch. Anyways I'll try to get some pic's of the event in any case.
