Monday, September 26, 2011

Late Night Museings

You know you have a lame blog when you don't have any SPAM cluttering up your filters. In other news the stuff I ordered from arrived. 2 new books some NIR chalk a couple tips and a seyberts patch for my case. well off to have some salad and then off to bed and tomorrow sock shopping

Monday, September 19, 2011

Winnipeg Pool

So this is kind of last minute but meh.
Looking for something to do this winter? get out of the house meet some new people, hang out with some old friends? Then why not join the Aactive pool league. With leagues for beginners to stone cold hustlers there is something for everyone.... this is the last chance to sign up so click on the link to the right. Well I got some laundry to do

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Coming Soon... Ish

Got a new work schedule woo woo (not the greatest but moving in the right direction) and have a bunch of stuff to throw up on the blog. But for now off to do some cleaning and shoot some pool. peace

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So its that time of year again its time for the Active pool play-offs see link . My goal for this season (so what if I set it half way through the season) was to at least be %50 percent for weighted average, wins to loses that sot of thing and well here's the numbers the weighted average -0.04 so just a bit of the mark then wins to games played 49/112 so also not quite. Looking back on the season it could have been better team wise it was a good season play wise "inconsistent" would be the word, that and my break it's now fairly good nice ball spread good cue ball control but zilch going down WTF and then the odd time i screw it up I'll get a ball or 2 down but nowhere to go from so need to work on that.

Now on to play-off fever the singles tournament stats Mon 25 @ 6pm woo woo and Cougars N' Cubs first game is 6:15 pm vs Polyorchid. twitter on the right side of the page will be the place to get all the update well that's all for now

In best Camera Work the Oscar Goes To...

Not this blogger. So a while back I did some video work 1) was the stuff in my pool case and 2) a walk though of the Broken spoke. So video 1) got scraped because a week or so after I got a new case got rid of some stuff etc so i need to shoot that again. Video 2) let me tell you it was bad I mean really bad, nay REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD. there was random noise in the back round, the colour was off, it was shaky lets just say I'm glad I have a digital video camera because if not it would of been an epic waste of film. This being said I'm going to buy a tripod and try it all again so I'll keep you posted

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Twitter

Just added a "twitter" widget to ye old blog ooohh fancy. Tonight I continue my quest to break even with the win to lose ratio in pool. Last night played the "first" night for bonus ball league it was interesting have to say not a fan or the format, 3 player teams 3 rounds, 2 rounds of scotch doubles then 1 round of singles... not a fan of scotch doubles meh also coaching is allowed hmm well i post more as the season goes on. well I'm off to get ready for regular league tonight finally a home game at the spoke

Friday, March 18, 2011

Help Baby Maleek Now

Hello loyal readers!/HelpBabyMaleek this is a link to a facebook group about bringing a Canadian family home from Japan for various reasons please check it out and if there is anything you can do to help pease do

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bonus Ball wrap

So over the past week as previously mentioned in this blog I played in the 1st amateur bonus ball tournament and well didn't make the money but I feel I did not to bad. If you want to check out the brackets and how it all went down check out just follow the links. In other news I got a blackberry so now you can check out my up to the minute thoughts on twitter @terminal_288 always somthing interesting. What else can i ramble on about... I'm sick and get to go back to work today oh boy fun times, I really need to find a new job. Jury duty i get to go in for that at the end of the month... well I'm just going to wrap this up now

Monday, February 7, 2011

So this past Sunday (feb. 6) we ran the Broken Spoke 9-ball tourament again, and your winners are

  1. Dereck

  2. Andy S.

  3. Dave H.

Ran fairly well, a bunch of new people came out and word seems to be spreading. A shout out to Tom for finding the Tournament white board so we don't have to draw out a new one every week. We have been working with the handicap to make sure its as fair as possible so if your a seasoned vet of the pool world or just starting out on your pool journey for $10 come on down and spend an afternoon shooting some pool.

As I've mentioned before starting feb. 23 at McPhillips Street Sation Casino Is the 1st. amatur Bonus Ball tournament so you'll find me there this sat practicing and getting ready for that. If you happen to be in the Winnipeg area and want to get the inside scoop on this new game to hit the green felt hit up their web site and shoot them off an email they'll be more than happy to show you how the game is played.

Well I'm off to go check the mail with any luck I've got 2 shirts waiting for me

peace out

Monday, January 31, 2011

Tournaments Other Stuff and Bonus Ball

Well I'm sure I'm not the worst blogger as far as keeping up to date and on top of things. What can I say I've been busy and stuff. In braking news though The Broken Spoke is now having 9-ball tournaments on Sundays at 2pm (meaning show up by at least 1:45pm people). It's $10 to enter and not a bad time. Last Week there was 15 people, broke down like this:

  1. Vince B. $75
  2. Ron $30
  3. Kalee F. $15

In other news I'm switching to days to to have more time for going stuff... like.... (awesome segue here) A bonus ball tournament, you can check out their website here It's at the end of February woo woo so tomorrow I head down to McPhillips Street Station Casino to learn the game yes that right learn the game.

I'm also hoping the shirts I ordered from shows up tomorrow.

Well peace out everybody

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Woo happy new year everybody! Hope the holidays treated you all well. In exciting news I got a Video Camera from Miss K so some time soon (with any luck tommorrow) I'm going to post a video of a look at what I carry around in my case, a la "whats in the case with Samm Diep" for an Idea of what that is all about check out here ( a video with Ralf Souquet) this was also recently a PoolSynergy topic (for more info on the poolsynergy project click Also on deck for up coming videos Hopfully one of The Broken Spoke aka the pool hall formerly know as Miss Q's. Well Thats all for now.

and don't forget when in doubt fluke it out