Thursday, April 26, 2012

Quick update

So we lost our first team match. managed to stay fairly strong till the end. On to the b-side.  There will be more on this as there was some shenanigans.... and some epic WTF moments not for our team but this play off seems to be a wild one... now off to sleep
peace out yo

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Play-offs and Stuff

So its that time of year again Aactive League Play-offs (for more info and stats and other stuff go HERE )  Now I can't remember (and yes I'm to lazy to go back and check) if I talked about this but at the beginning of the season I had the goal of finishing the season with a 0 handicap (handicaps range from 0 to 3, long story short 0 means you finished in the top 25% ) and goal accomplished woo woo.  Finished in 25th place (out of 127+ ), won 71 / 112,  915 points,  and 9 wins in a row. 

Now on to play-offs.... the cash 2 singles was last night and after an okay first match win I waited for my second match which I ended up losing.  meh what you going to do. I lost focus for a split second and well that was all she wrote. For the record though next time dude I'm sure you meant well but seriously STFU go talk to some one else if you couldn't tell by my one word answers I was kind of busy, I may not of been at the table shooting but I was still trying to concentrate on the match end mini rant.

On a slightly unrelated but related note bought the NEW and IMPROVED kamui 1.21 chalk and got to say I'm loving it so far.  The old kamui chalk .98 was good and i liked it but it did make a mess of the table and balls in no time flat.  For the longest time I was really bad about remembering to chalk and suddenly I get a chalk that you don't have to use every shot and guess what I'm chalking every shot go figure.  The 1.21 you can chalk every shot and it doesn't make a mess also if you forget it still stays on for a good amount of shots so we'll how it works in the long run...

well that's it for now

Friday, April 6, 2012

Justin Trudeau: Conservatives axing Katimavik - Les conservateurs suppri...

Well said Justin, to bad the Conservative Minister is a douche. 

Adim on Katimavik

Save Katimavik Part 1

So many moons ago I participated in a program called KATIMAVIK ( As of the latest Canadian federal budget ( Funding was cut (not quite sure how to find it but apparently it shows up on page 218).

Now I'm going to try and be as mature and adult about this as I can but it is going to take every shred of my being. For a brief history on the program check out this link ---->

for Wikipedias take check --->

Seriously go check it out I'll wait.......... (I fancy I'll go make my self some coffee)............................

and I'm back done reading? Good, now the Conservatives are saying "oh it costs to much per participant so we are going to spend the money on other more"effective youth services"..." WTF does that mean here is a link to several studies and reports done about katimavik if you check out the "2006 - Malatest ReportSocial and Economic Impact Study of the Katimavik Program " a bit of a read but well worth it to sum it up

4.5 Return on Investment
Analysis of the economic impact suggests that the Katimavik program generates net positive
returns based on the value of the volunteer labour and other induced economic benefits. By
dividing the total benefits by the total costs, a determination of the gross return of the
program can be made. Under the most conservative scenario, each dollar of Katimavik
expenditures generates a gross return of $1.12. This translates into a net return of $0.12 for
every dollar invested in the Katimavik program. Based on the average return, and using the
community partners estimate of the value of the volunteer work, it appears that each dollar
spent by the Katimavik program generates a return of $2.20 in each community, or a net
return of $1.20.

Well that is all for now