Tuesday, January 15, 2013

S.D.and S.T.F.U!

I'm going to keep this short and sweet (It's take way to long to figure out how to do this diplomatically so here it is)

Ladies, Gentlemen, Kids of all ages when playing pool whether it be 8 ball or 9, serious or for fun, RESPECT plays a big role. Today I'd like to talk about respect for your opponent. So

Simple concept look I shoot, you shoot, and back and forth till some one wins, I don't need you to tell me that "I made a good shot" or "oh that was a nice try" My ego isn't so fragile that I need affirmation that I'm doing a good job. 
Further more I'm not asking you to come to the bathroom to shake it off for me so when its my turn at the table plant you ass in a chair and wait or in a spot that will not hinder my turn at the table since I am affording you the same curiosity 

Well that is all for now, I'm working on getting motivated to post more but in a toss up between blogging and pool well playing pool wins. I now leave you with a video from Winnipegs own  The Weakerthans


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